Message from the Assistant Director, Dr. Lee Bullock:
Welcome to the University of Kentucky U.S. Culture and Business Practices (USB) Program. I am thrilled you are here. USB is a unique program that combines courses in the Gatton College of Business and Economics and the humanities and social sciences in the College of Arts and Sciences. We are one of the newest degree programs at UK and we are excited about our efforts and plans to continue growing the USB community. I wanted to take this opportunity to introduce myself and share some of my background. Chances are if you are reading this you share my interest in business and business practices. And, like many of you, I have broad interests in the liberal arts and the study of culture.
I have a Business Administration and Finance (BS) degree from CUNY-Brooklyn College in New York. While there I interned at Merril Lynch in their Global Wealth division and researched university endowment investments and pension funds for a private equity firm. Today, I hold a PhD in cultural anthropology (we study people and culture). My research focuses on “the business” of prison and the impacts of mass incarceration on communities and livelihoods over time in the United States south. I also hold an MA in English. Both degrees are from UK. I can attest to the value of an education grounded in business with training in the liberal arts and social sciences.
Whether you are a current USB major or a current student exploring educational pathways, I would very much like to hear from you.
If you are thinking about applying to the University of Kentucky to start or continue your educational journey, I invite you to search our program site and plan a visit to UK. I would very much like to hear from you, too.
My email is below.
Dr. Lee Bullock
Director of Undergraduate Studies, U.S. Culture and Business Practices Program
Lecturer, US Cultures and Business Practices and Department of Anthropology
Questions about the program (from current and prospective students) should be directed to Dr. Lee Bullock: